Network for Quality, Productivity & Competitiveness – Nepal
Creating Value through Quality
Network for Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness – Nepal (NQPCN) is a Network of Entrepreneurs, Managers, Academicians and Consultants of Nepal established on 2004 to enhance competitiveness through sharing, learning and applying globally developed quality and productivity tools and techniques for social and economic development and the nation.
Collaboration for Quality Learning & Practices
Supporting each other in Productive Endeavors
Through mutual support & collaboration.
Network for Quality, Productivity and Competitiveness-Nepal(NQPCN) aims at enhancing the competitiveness of individuals, organizations and society as a whole through quality and productivity.
More DetailsVision
Instituting a functional national and international network of individuals and organizations working in the area of quality., productivity and competitiveness; and sustaining the network as a not profit civil society institution.
More DetailsYears
Partner Organizations
Annual General Gathering
We Work for Quality!
We Value Competativeness.
We Love Productivity.
We Build Network.
Creating knowledge on quality, productivity and competitiveness themes through study and research.
Organization learning-sharing forums each month among Network members.
Sharing resources on Quality, Productivity, and Competitiveness through electronic(Websites) and print media (Communique, articles, and books)
Involving in national and international conferences as delegates and resource persons.
Networking with National quality, productivity, and competitiveness forums and societies.
Networking with international Quality, productivity, and competitiveness forums and societies.
Collaborating with regional and international forums on quality and productivity to organize seminars and conventions.
Our 3-h values, we believe in harmony, honesty, and humbleness